Thursday, July 30, 2009

A New Era Begins

Dear Students and Parents:
Welcome to Central Elementary School! The entire staff is looking forward with enthusiasm and anticipation to the new school year. We have a wonderful group of caring and dedicated employees who set high expectations for themselves and our students daily. Our district Mission, Vision, and Beliefs guide all that we do to educate our students. We are eager to work with you and your child in providing a meaningful learning experience. We encourage parents to become involved in their child's education. Stop in to visit the classroom and meet your child's teachers.
Your child is receiving a Parent/Student Handbook that contains the policies and procedures of the elementary school. They are a result of a concerted effort on the part of staff and the administration and will be an aid in helping you adjust and become an integral part of the elementary school. Upon reading the handbook, please contact me if you have any questions.
The ultimate goal of education is to help each student become a contributing member of our society. By developing a strong work ethic and accepting responsibility and accountability for their actions, students will prepare themselves for their role in the world of tomorrow. Students are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of activities to help them realize this goal. Remember, your success in school as well as life will be directly proportional to your efforts.
Central Elementary is a wonderful place for students to learn and grow. We have a terrific community of parents and businesses that provide support for all of our activities. As principal, I look forward each day to greeting our students and visiting their classrooms for I know "Focused Teaching and Focused Learning" will occur.

Have a great year!