Monday, July 11, 2011

Welcome to Summer School!

Thank you for signing up your child for the Central Summer School Program. Here are just a few reminders and notes to consider:

*Summer School will run Monday through Thursday. There is no school on Fridays.
*The dates are July 11th through August 4th.
*School starting time is 8:45 and ends at 12:55.
*Buses load at 12:55 to go home.
*Students should be waiting at their bus stop five minutes before their
scheduled pick up time to ensure they are on time.
*Each student should bring their own pencils.
*Students are responsible for their own snack and drink for snack time.

Thank you for your help and allowing your child the opportunity to participate in the summer school program. Any question or concerns, please call or e-mail Kurt Swanson. He is the Summer School Coordinator. 952-201-2503 or